Professional velit dolor fabrica quia MCMXCVI

Qui sumus
Yangzhou Tianxiang Road lucerna apparatu Co., Ltd.Founded in MMVIII et sita est in dolor industriae parco de via lucerna vestibulum basis in Gaoyou civitatem, Jiangsu provinciae, est productio-orientatur inceptum focusing in plateis lucerna vestibulum. In praesens, quod habet perfectissimum et provectus digital productio linea in industria. Up to now, the factory has been at the forefront of the industry in terms of production capacity, price, quality control, qualification and other competitiveness, with a cumulative number of lights on more than 1700000, in Africa and Southeast Asia, Many countries in South America and other regions occupy a large market share and become the preferred product supplier for many projects and engineering companies at home and abroad.
Quid habemus
In societate erat in MCMXCVI, iungere hoc novum industriae zonam in MMVIII. Nunc habemus plus quam CC populus, R & D Populus XII Populus, Engineer XVI Populi, IV People, Populus Internationalis): XVI populus, Sales Department

Statutum in MCMXCVI
CC populo
Plus quam: CC populus
XVI populus
Engineer: XVI populus
XII populo
R & D Populus: XII populus
XVI populus
Internationalis Trade Department: XVI Populi
XII populo
Sales Department (Sinis): XII
20+ patent
Have 20+ patent Technologies